Assalamualaikum wbt & hye bloggers!!~..

What do you think about the above picture??.. Blur??.. confused??.. Actually i'm still wondering about something!!~.. guess what??.. hehehe.. two days ago, one of my bff sending message to me... He ask me to turn on for that time and listening to so, i just turn on and listening without asking why.. but now, i'm still wondering why he asked me listening to i already asked him about it but until now, i didn't get the answer.. auuuwww!!~..
(mood : still wondering!!~)
:: Effa CuRio ::
may he want to dedicate song 4 u :P
any love song that time??
ademncats: song??.. actually no song dat time.. ahahaha..
iQa: no love song but da music so weird.. hehehe.. ;)
visit you lagi =)
:: Kursus Pengurusan Histeria ::
maybe he just want to take your attraction.. by keep wondering like this. u will always have him linger in your head right?haha
Adi Zhaf: thanks.. =)
najmi: ahahaha.. maybe not!!~.. ;)
how about if u make him wonder back by asking him to listen to *act like u know the reason already. mayb somehow u will be able to know the reason. xD
k.a.s: ahahaha.. thanks for the suggestion.. =)
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