Assalamualaikum wbt & Hye!!~
Actually this is a continuous story for previous entry.. *Khalid-Nazim-Hafis*.. tapi title dia lain pulak kan.. huhuhu.. Baru je dua minggu yang lalu melalui liku-liku kehidupan tanpa seorang sahabat di sisi yang bernama Fatin, kini aku bakal berada dalam kesedihan lagi bila seorang teman, kawan, sahabat atau lebih tepat lagi seorang adik akan pergi jauh..
Aku dan dia cuma berkenalan di facebook pada 8 Dec 2010.. That time macam tertanya-tanya.. siapa budak omeyy ni??.. hehe.. dia ni sangat-sangat friendly.. So, seronok je layan dia ni.. Kadang-kadang tu dia sengal tahap apa entah.. mulalah merapu meraban kat facebook siap dengan puisi pujangga dia tu.. Aku suka like picture dia.. tahu sebab apa??.. sebab dia omeyy sangat.. Dia minat sangat art.. Drawing dia not bad.. cantik!!..
Baru-baru ni kitorang berpeluang jumpa dan tak sangka itulah yang pertama kali dan mungkin yang terakhir.. okay, now i'm sad.. :(
Even, kitorang tidak lah berapa rapat but hell yeah rasa kehilangan itu pasti ada.. Siapa yang tak sedih kalau kawan dia akan pergi jauh meninggalkan korang di sini??
Waktu jumpa hari tu, dia bagi rabbit comel ni..
Dia ada cakap yang dia sayang sangat kat rabbit ni.. Dia suruh jaga rabbit ni baik-baik.. siap suruh bagi makan.. macam rabbit betul je kan?.. bila tarik ekor rabbit ni, rabbit ni gegar satu badan.. comel je macam dia.. hehehe..
Tapi aku pun ada bagi something kat dia.. Bagi 3 benda but ada gambar satu benda je.. lagi dua xsempat nak snap gambar.. hehehe.. sorry.. kalau nak tahu, pergi suruh dia je la yang snap gambar benda tu.. AHAHAHA.. Apa yang aku bagi eh??..

Comel tak purple birdy ni?.. hehehe.. satu ada kat dia.. and satu lagi aku simpan.. Lagi satu benda yang aku bagi kat dia tu tak tahu nak describe macam mana.. Frame maybe.. That frame for his birthday.. Happy birthday in advance.. :) .. Tak dapat celebrate birthday sama-sama sekali lagi??.. Satu lagi chocolate.. sedap tak??.. sedap tak?.. Ada buat muka macam Nazim tak masa makan tu??.. ;p
Maybe ada yang dah tahu siapa yang aku maksudkan and maybe ada yang tak tahu kan.. Kalau nak tahu, dulu aku pernah post entry pasal dia ni.. Baca kat sini.. Dia baca entry tu and siap curi gambar yang aku edit lagi kan??.. nakalnya!!.. Tapi aku lagi la nakal sebab curi gambar tu dulu kan.. ;p *Jangan marah*
Dear Abdul Khalid Arumi Abdul Mubbin,
Firstly, 7th January 2012.. tarikh tu takkan dilupakan.. masuk diary.. okay tipu je.. diary pun entah hilang ke mana.. Happy dapat jumpa even sekejap je.. Janji nak jumpa tengah hari tapi u lambat.. tak pe.. I memang suka tunggu orang.. ahahaha!!.. Okay.. secondly, sorry sangat-sangat sebab u datang jumpa I and u tak boleh jumpa kawan yang lain.. *feel guilty*.. please say sorry to your friends :(
I just wanna say, don't worry pasal your rabbit.. I will take a good care of it.. it's cute.. and you said if i'm sad, just playing with it but i think i can't.. If i do, i will become more sad, sad and sad because it reminds me of you.. erk?.. mengada je kan??.. By the way, I wanna give an answer for your question on that day.. Kenapa tak pakai earing?.. I'm allergic.. ahahaha.. joking..
But hey.. I hate you because that day i wanna treat you but you reject.. Okay fine.. So, if there a next time.. I don't care.. I wanna treat you.. So please do not reject it once again okay?
Kalau dengar lagu christina Aguilera mesti ingat kat you.. huhuhu.. Sebab you suka and minat sangat Christina Aguilera kan?..
Please take care of yourself and purple birdy.. Please do keep in touch.. facebook and twitter ada kan?.. Lepas ni perkataan "omeyy" tu mungkin tak dapat dengar dah.. eh?.. mana mungkin.. dapat dengar lagi but not from you.. cuma dengar dari Hafis je la.. dah tak sama kan?.. and last but not least, this is for you my dearest little brother..
The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I got to let you spread your wings and fly.
For life is a journey that needs to be travel
and I am certain you'd make it through,
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.
So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true,
for I know that someday we'll meet again
so never forget I will be praying for you.
Jom layan lagu ni sambil nangis.. :'(
Khalid, we all here gonna miss you.. I, Nazim, Hafis and all of your friends gonna miss you.. You such a good friend to us.. funny, nice, polite, friendly and of course cute.. you're so unique.. You're one in the million.. No one could be like you.. Hope we will meet you again someday.. Wanna cry.. :'(
Goodbye Khalid.. Have a safe flight on this wednesday (18/01/2012).. is it tomorrow??.. Oh no!!.. Dia akan migrate ke Canberra, Aussie.. Flight pukul 10.40pm kan??.. kan??.. kan??.. sempat lagi check guna ticketing system office ni.. huhuhu.. Nak je hantar kat airport esok tapi nanti nangis pula.. hukhukhuk..
P/s: To Khalid, do often visit us here in Malaysia.. Kitorang kena simpan duit la kalau nak visit u kat Aussie tu.. hohoho.. return flight ticket really expensive.. already check in the system.. Love you my little brother.. Gonna miss you!!~
To Fatin, I'm glad that I still have you here in KL.. So, please don't you ever leaving me.. We need each other, right??.. :)
To Nazim & Hafis, I hope that we will be friends forever and hang out together again even though Khalid is not here with us.. :((
:: Effa CuRio ::

Tapi aku pun ada bagi something kat dia.. Bagi 3 benda but ada gambar satu benda je.. lagi dua xsempat nak snap gambar.. hehehe.. sorry.. kalau nak tahu, pergi suruh dia je la yang snap gambar benda tu.. AHAHAHA.. Apa yang aku bagi eh??..

Comel tak purple birdy ni?.. hehehe.. satu ada kat dia.. and satu lagi aku simpan.. Lagi satu benda yang aku bagi kat dia tu tak tahu nak describe macam mana.. Frame maybe.. That frame for his birthday.. Happy birthday in advance.. :) .. Tak dapat celebrate birthday sama-sama sekali lagi??.. Satu lagi chocolate.. sedap tak??.. sedap tak?.. Ada buat muka macam Nazim tak masa makan tu??.. ;p
Maybe ada yang dah tahu siapa yang aku maksudkan and maybe ada yang tak tahu kan.. Kalau nak tahu, dulu aku pernah post entry pasal dia ni.. Baca kat sini.. Dia baca entry tu and siap curi gambar yang aku edit lagi kan??.. nakalnya!!.. Tapi aku lagi la nakal sebab curi gambar tu dulu kan.. ;p *Jangan marah*
Dear Abdul Khalid Arumi Abdul Mubbin,

I just wanna say, don't worry pasal your rabbit.. I will take a good care of it.. it's cute.. and you said if i'm sad, just playing with it but i think i can't.. If i do, i will become more sad, sad and sad because it reminds me of you.. erk?.. mengada je kan??.. By the way, I wanna give an answer for your question on that day.. Kenapa tak pakai earing?.. I'm allergic.. ahahaha.. joking..
But hey.. I hate you because that day i wanna treat you but you reject.. Okay fine.. So, if there a next time.. I don't care.. I wanna treat you.. So please do not reject it once again okay?
Kalau dengar lagu christina Aguilera mesti ingat kat you.. huhuhu.. Sebab you suka and minat sangat Christina Aguilera kan?..
Please take care of yourself and purple birdy.. Please do keep in touch.. facebook and twitter ada kan?.. Lepas ni perkataan "omeyy" tu mungkin tak dapat dengar dah.. eh?.. mana mungkin.. dapat dengar lagi but not from you.. cuma dengar dari Hafis je la.. dah tak sama kan?.. and last but not least, this is for you my dearest little brother..
The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I got to let you spread your wings and fly.
For life is a journey that needs to be travel
and I am certain you'd make it through,
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.
So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true,
for I know that someday we'll meet again
so never forget I will be praying for you.
Jom layan lagu ni sambil nangis.. :'(
Khalid, we all here gonna miss you.. I, Nazim, Hafis and all of your friends gonna miss you.. You such a good friend to us.. funny, nice, polite, friendly and of course cute.. you're so unique.. You're one in the million.. No one could be like you.. Hope we will meet you again someday.. Wanna cry.. :'(
Goodbye Khalid.. Have a safe flight on this wednesday (18/01/2012).. is it tomorrow??.. Oh no!!.. Dia akan migrate ke Canberra, Aussie.. Flight pukul 10.40pm kan??.. kan??.. kan??.. sempat lagi check guna ticketing system office ni.. huhuhu.. Nak je hantar kat airport esok tapi nanti nangis pula.. hukhukhuk..
P/s: To Khalid, do often visit us here in Malaysia.. Kitorang kena simpan duit la kalau nak visit u kat Aussie tu.. hohoho.. return flight ticket really expensive.. already check in the system.. Love you my little brother.. Gonna miss you!!~
To Fatin, I'm glad that I still have you here in KL.. So, please don't you ever leaving me.. We need each other, right??.. :)
To Nazim & Hafis, I hope that we will be friends forever and hang out together again even though Khalid is not here with us.. :((
:: Effa CuRio ::